State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


President Ramkalawan reaffirms Seychelles’ commitment to the values of the African Union

Saturday 5, February 2022 Addis Abba, Ethiopia: The President of the Republic, Mr Wavel Ramkalawan addressed the 35th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) this morning, during the opening session of the Assembly. The AU Summit is taking place in Addis Abba, Ethiopia from 5 to 6 February, under the theme: “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection System for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Capital Development.”

Addressing the assembly, the President reaffirmed his personal commitment and that of country, to the core values of the African Union. “It is a privilege and a pleasure to address this AU Assembly for the very first time since being elected by the Seychellois people as their President in October 2020. From the onset, I would like to reaffirm my personal commitment and that of my Country, the Seychelles, to the values, principles and ethos of the African Union” said President Ramkalawan.

Delivering his inaugural statement, the President made reference to the plight of the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to ravage the globe and how a more vigorous vaccination strategy for Africa is  crucial for the continued economic advancement of the continent.

“As the pandemic stretches into its third year, the global health crisis and its associated economic uncertainties continue to pose a challenge to all of us. As long as Africa remains deprived of vaccines, the restrictions on our economic activities will certainly continue to affect our economic relief efforts. The disparity and inequality in accessing vaccines is not acceptable! It is an injustice and it is morally wrong to accept that in February 2022, only 10% of Africa have been fully vaccinated,” said the President.

He further highlighted the significant impact peace, security and good governance can play as the essential foundations that will in return promote an enabling environment for further progress and socio-economic development on the African continent. “Those essential foundations – those pillars of the rule of law, of democracy and human rights – that shape our present and determine our future are under serious threat. They are being undermined by conflicts, strife, insurgencies and terrorist activities on our continent. Not only must they be resolutely condemned, but they must, with equal vigour and determination be combated and eliminated. Let us therefore collectively work towards the vision of an Africa that is free from conflict while allowing her children to live in peace and harmony.”

As the leader of a Small Island Developing State, President Ramkalawan also stressed on the threat the climate crisis poses for the survival of the planet specially for coastal and island nations. “Small Island Developing States, like the Seychelles, are particularly at risk. With populations, agricultural lands and infrastructure along the coastal zones, any rise in sea-level will have significant and profound effects on our very existence. If the present situation persists, we will suffer disproportionately with some of our islands disappearing. SIDS are victims; we refuse to pay the consequences for the irresponsible acts of others.

It is certainly not too late for all of us to act on the risks we face to protect humanity. More than ever, I am convinced that the African Union has the political will and commitment to lead by example,” concluded President Ramkalawan.

The opening ceremony also included the handing over of the Chairmanship for the AU Bureau from the Democratic Republic of Congo, H.E Felix Antoine Tshisekedi to the Republic of Senegal H.E Macky Sall as the new Chairperson of the African Union.

Whilst attending the summit the President also had the opportunity to hold discussions with other African Heads of State.