State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


President Ramkalawan receives Greek Orthodox Archpriest at State House

President Wavel Ramkalawan met with the Archpriest of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Seychelles Parish, the Most Rev. Father Sergios Janosevic at State House yesterday morning.

The courtesy call was an opportunity for the Head of State to discuss with Father Janosevic current religious landscape in the country and the importance of tolerance and freedom of worship.

"The coexistence of all faiths in a peaceful manner and freedom to practice, is a symbol of the extent of our unity. Having each religion or faith based organisations recognised and supported regardless of their beliefs or differences is a major accomplishments for Seychelles as a Small island state. We continue to pray that this peace will continue to reign in our paradise island," said President Ramkalawan.

The President also expressed appreciation to Father Janosevic and his congregation for continuously keeping the country and the people in their prayers.

During discussion Father Janosevic shared with the President, some of the key challenges affecting the Parish particularly in relation to the building of a church to be used as a permanent place of worship. 

The parish is part of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria and All Africa and is overseen by the Archbishop of Tanzania and Seychelles, Metropolitan Demetrios (Zacharegkas) of Irinopolis.