State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


President Ramkalawan Assents to the Inquest into Death Bill 2021

President Wavel Ramkalawan has signed into law the Inquest into Death Bill 2021 passed by the National Assembly on 13 October 2021. The President received the documents from the National Assembly on 3 November 2021 and assented to the Bill this afternoon (Monday 8 November 2021).

The object of this Bill is to promote justice through investigations, and the identification of the causes and circumstances, of sudden or unexplained deaths, or deaths occurred in certain circumstances. Currently, inquests into death can be done under the criminal procedure Code, Cap. 54, and the Peace Officers Act, Cap. 157, but there are several deficiencies in the existing laws that the new Bill will address.

During his statement before assenting to the Inquest into Death Bill 2021, President Ramkalawan said the new law came about during the revision of the criminal procedure code and felt it was time to give the country a new modern piece of legislation. The new law takes into account all circumstances in the event that someone passes of unknown causes or circumstances. 

“ We felt it was important to give the country a more modern piece of legislation. This new law will not only address the deficiencies of the criminal procedure code but also ensure no death shall go unnoticed. It will allow relatives to know what happened to their loved ones and provide families with the necessary closure. As far as Human Rights is concerned this law brings the country up to par with international standards and ensures respect for life becomes of utmost priority. This will also allow justice to prevail in instances where there may be any suspicion of foul play.” said President Ramkalawan. 

The President assented to the bill witnessed by members who have contributed to the drafting of the bill namely the Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly, Hon Bernard Georges, the Attorney General, Mr Frank Ally, Magistrate Mrs Natasha Burian, Dr. Susan Fock-Tave and Dr.  Agnes Chetty. 

Also present at State House for the ceremony was the Vice-President, Mr Ahmed Afif, The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Roger Mancienne, the Chief Justice, Justice Rony Govinden, Acting President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Fiona Robinson and the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Policy Affairs, Ms Margaret Moumou.