Pray for Seychelles
Welcoming words for our prayer meeting by President Ramkalawan
During the hymn, the First Lady lights a candle
We sing:
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want.
he makes me down to lie
in pastures green; he leadeth me
the quiet waters by.
My soul he doth restore again;
and me to walk doth make
within the paths of righteousness,
even for his own Name's sake.
Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale,
yet will I fear no ill;
for thou art with me; and thy rod
and staff my comfort still.
My table thou hast furnished
in presence of my foes;
my head thou dost with oil anoint,
and my cup overflows.
Goodness and mercy all my life
shall surely follow me;
and in God's house forevermore
my dwelling place shall be.
Reading by Minister Rangasamy
Marks of the True Christian
9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10 love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. 11 Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
Romans 12:9-12
Here ends the reading.
Prayers from participants
Archbishop James Wong
Bishop Alain Harel
Ps Eddy Payet
Archbishop Emeritus French Chang Him
Imam Ahmed Labiche
President Wavel Ramkalawan
1. Let us pray Archbishop Emeritus French Chang Him
God the Father,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit.
Have mercy on us.
Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity,
Have mercy on us.
2. From all evil and mischief,
From pride, vanity and hypocrisy,
From envy, hatred and malice,
From all evil intent,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From sloth, worldliness and love of money,
From hardness of heart and contempt for your wordand laws,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From sins of body and mind,
From the deceits of the world,
the flesh and the devil,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From famine and disaster,
From violence, murder and dying unprepared,
Good Lord, deliver us.
In all times of sorrow, in all times of joy,
In the hour of death and at the day of judgement,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By the mystery of your holy incarnation,
by your birth, childhood and obedience,
by your baptism, fasting and temptation,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By your ministry in word and work,
by your mighty acts of power,
and by your preaching on the Kingdom,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By your agony and trial, by your cross and passion,
and by your precious death and burial,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By your mighty resurrection, by your glorious ascenslon
and by your sending of the Holy Spirit,
Good Lord, deliver us.
3. Senyer, nou Bondye, ekout nou lapriyer, Bishop Alain Harel
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
Diriz e gouvern ou Legliz sen.
Ranpli li avek lanmour ek laverite.
Donn li sa linite ki i bezwen pou fer ou lavolonte
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
Donn nou kouraz pou anons ou Levanzil dan lemonn e
pou fer tou nasyon vin ou disip,
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
Avek konesans ek konpreansyon, ekler lespri ou bann
serviter pour ki zot ava kapab anons Levanzil a-traver zot
lansennyman e a-traver legzanp zot prop lavi,
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
Donn kouraz tou dimoun pou aksepte ou parol e pou
prodwir bann fri ki Sent-Espri i donnen,
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
Anmenn dan semen laverite tou bann dimoun ki 'n fer fot
ouswa ki'n tonm dan tou kalite pyez,
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
Donn kouraz bann ki tenir ferm dan lafwa.
Remont moral bann ki feb, soulaz bann ki'n tonbe e
finalman kraz demon anba nou lipye,
Gran Senyer, ekout nou lapriyer.
4. Pour qu'il te plaise de conduire Archbishop James Wong
toutes les nations dans les
voies de la justice et de la paix,
Écoute-nous, Seigneur.
Pour qu'il te plaise de gouverner de telle manière le coeur
de ton serviteur, le Président de cette nation. Qu'il
cherche avant tout, ton honneur et ta gloire,
Écoute-nous, Seigneur.
Pour qu'il te plaise d'accorder aux ministres d'État et à
L’Assemblée Nationale la sagesse et l'esprit de discernement,
Écoute-nous, Seigneur.
Pour qu'il te plaise de bénir ceux qui gèrent la loi; Pour
qu'ils puissent maintenir la justice, I ‘honnêteté et la vérité,
Écoute-nous, Seigneur.
Pour qu'il te plaise de nous donner les fruits de la terre
et de les préserver à notre usage, afin que tous en soient
rassasiés au temps voulu,
Écoute-nous, Seigneur.
Pour qu'il te plaise de bénir ton peuple et de le garder,
Écoute-nous, Seigneur.
5. Help and comfort the lonely, Archbishop Emeritus French
the bereaved and the oppressed,
Lord, have mercy.
Keep in safety those who travel, and all who are in danger,
Lord, have mercy.
Heal the sick in body and mind, provide for the homeless,
the hungry and the destitute,
Lord, have mercy.
Show your pity on prisoners and refugees, and to all
who are in trouble,
Lord, have mercy.
Forgive our enemies, persecutors and slanderers,
and turn their hearts.
Lord, have mercy.
Hear us as we remember those who have died in the
peace of Christ, both those who have confessed the faith
and those whose faith is known to you alone, and grant us
with them a share in your eternal kingdom,
Lord, have mercy.
6. Donn nou sa vre leker repantans. Pardonn nou tou nou
pese ki nou'n fer par neglizans e linyorans e pour tou
pese ki nou 'n fer par ekspre. Fer ki ou Sent-Espri i ava ed
nou pour sanz nou lavi e pou viv dapre ou lavolonte,
Bondye Sen,
Sen e For,
Sen e Imortel.
Pran pitye, pardonn nou.
7. As our Saviour has taught us, so we pray
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name
your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
For the kingdom, the power and the glory,
are yours now and forever. Amen
8. Aide-nous, par ta miséricorde, O Seigneur, dans ces
prières et ces supplications que nous t'offrons, et dispose
les voies de tes serviteurs pour l'acquisition du salut
éternel, afin qu'au milieu de toutes les difficultés et de
tous les accidents de cette vie mortelle, ils trouvent
toujours en toi un prompt secours et une favorable
protection; par Jésus-Christ, notre Seigneur.
Short message of Bishop French Chang Him
Final blessing by the three Bishops
Nous sant ensam
BONDYE TRE O, Oumenm ‘Dye sen e Sover,
dan tou travay ki Ou lanmen in fer.
Mon war zetwal, e mon tann loraz kriye,
dan liniver Ou’n montre Ou pouvwar.
Bondye lanmour, Oumenm Bondye Kalver,
Ou sitan gran, Ou sitan gran.
Dan liniver napa enn parey Ou,
Ou sitan gran, Ou sitan gran.
Lwek ek Bondye mon ti vin en etranze,
mon ti en peser, perdi pour touzour.
Zezi Limenm ti vin sov mwan dan danze,
pour donn lavi, i ti mor lo lakrwa.
Ris an lanmour, lagras ek pitye osi,
kan nou ti’n mor dan nou fot ek pese.
Ou sel Garson vreman ti delivre nou,
Ou sitan gran ki’n redonn nou lavi.
RANN GRAS avek rekonesans
rann gras pou Senyer trwa fwa sen
rann gras akoz Bondye
in donn Zezi Kri Son Garson. (X 2)
Aprezan les bann ki feb dir, ‘Wi, mon for.’
Les bann ki pov dir, ‘Wi, mon ris.’
akoz saki Senyer in fer pou nou. (x2)
Rann gras.!!!!
Ms Shayanne Moustache sings - Kriy Lo Zezi
Thank you for your participation.
God bless Seychelles.