State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


President Appoints First Female Judge

March 17 2011 -- President James Michel has approved the appointment of Mrs. Mathilda Twomey as a Justice of the Court of Appeal, following the recommendation of the Constitutional Appointments Authority.

" Mathilda Twomey will become the first female judge in the history of Seychelles. I congratulate Mrs Twomey on her achievement, and wish her well in her new post. I hope that other young women will look to her for inspiration for a career in the judiciary in the future. Her appointment is timely as we have recently celebrated one hundred years of Women's Day; it is another victory for Seychelles," said President Michel.

Mrs Twomey (née Butler-Payette) is a Seychellois Barrister-at Law, who practiced law in Seychelles between 1987 and 1995 as a Senior State Counsel and Official Notary, as well as a Barrister/Attorney undertaking Criminal and Civil Litigation in courts and tribunals. 

In 1992-93, Mathilda Twomey was a member of the Seychelles Constitutional Commission that drafted the Constitution of the Third Republic.

Since 1995, Mrs. Twomey has been living and working in Ireland. Since 1996 she worked as a regional coordinator for Multiple Sclerosis Ireland, a non-governmental organisation working in advocacy, policy development and legal advice for people with disabilities.

Mathilda Twomey is completing a Masters in Law at the University of Ireland, and also has a Degree in French Law from the University of Paris Sud, France, as well a Bachelor's Degree in English and French Law from the University of Kent, UK.