State House

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles


President Ramkalawan calls for strengthening international cooperation, solidarity and greater commitment to address the impact of climate change

Tuesday 14th February, UAE, Dubai: The President of the Republic, Mr. Wavel Ramkalawan has called on world leaders to take collective action, show greater global solidarity and a stronger political will in helping the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as Seychelles in addressing the global challenges which arise from the adverse effects of climate change. President Ramkalawan was speaking at the World Government Summit during the plenary session earlier this afternoon.

The President also stressed on the constraints being faced by SIDS in its economic development such as coastal erosion and sea level rise and he described other vulnerabilities impacted by the climate change.

“As the President of a Small Island Developing State, Africa’s smallest country with just under 100,000 inhabitants, I know how vulnerable the Seychellois community is to climate change and how imperative sustainability is and will be to our survival. Sea-level rise poses a significant threat to small island communities and ecosystems. 95% of Seychelles’ critical infrastructure is located on the coast and is exposed to impacts of sea-level rise, such as coastal erosion, salinization of coastal aquifers affecting ground and surface water, impeded drainage, and loss of coastal and marine ecosystems.  Sea level rise has also resulted in contraction of habitats, shifts in the geographical location of coastal species and loss of biodiversity,” he said.

“Over 40% of Seychellois live in low lying areas which will also be directly impacted by the rising sea level, while also being exposed to flooding and extreme weather that all local communities in Seychelles will have to endure. While the ocean threatens to sink our coralline islands, and make our populated granitic ones uninhabitable, my people also depend on it for their livelihood and nourishment, with our culture and identity intrinsically tied to its vibrancy and health”.

President Ramkalawan also spoke about the vulnerability of SIDS in terms of being earmarked as high-income countries and the vulnerability that this poses to these small nations. In this context the President underlined that though Seychelles is considered as a high-income country, it also shares similar issues with the vulnerable groups when it comes to climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, recovery and rehabilitation considerations and environmental sustainability. 

“Small Island Developing States like Seychelles experience a series of unique social and economic development challenges, and these are linked directly to our small size. Economically, we tend to be high-income countries, but socially we tend to endure widespread inequality which means that we carry some of the largest external debt burdens in the world. We have high levels of social capital and community cohesion, but we are the ones to experience severe capacity constraints in terms of delivery of adequate public services,” said President Ramkalawan

He further noted how SIDS always advanced the plights of countries vulnerable to climate change at international level and the importance to strengthen international cooperation. 

Environmentally, we bear little responsibility for the global concentration of greenhouse gases, yet we are disproportionately vulnerable to climate-induced shocks and intensifying ecological transitions, making us the most vulnerable societies to climate change. It should be noted that SIDS have been at the forefront of global discussions on strong climate mitigation efforts, minimizing the risks from climate change, and on mechanisms to address loss and damage. But we cannot do it alone. Dealing with the impacts of climate change is complex and multifaceted and can only be approached holistically.

Hence why international cooperation is crucial if we want to help small island nations address the impact of climate change. We need not only financial but technological and capacity-building support to mitigate and adapt. There is an urgent need to strengthen international cooperation including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation now more than ever to ensure genuine and durable partnerships at both regional and international levels. Ultimately, countries like Seychelles need partnerships, equal partnerships to face this climate crisis,” he said.  

In advancing the support for finance, President Ramkalawan reiterated his plea for the support of the universal adoption of a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index to benefit vulnerable countries, the need to review criteria and to measure development support and access to funding.

“There needs to be a way that concessional financing and grants unlocked to make the critical sectors of the economies of such countries more resilient. For this reason, Seychelles fully supports the adoption and implementation of a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) as a more equitable measure of vulnerability for SIDS and LDCs. As complex causes for vulnerability will persist, the need and the call for the development of indices that adequately capture the particular vulnerabilities of SIDS like Seychelles is important. It will help to guide programmatic support, viable debt service payment and financing for sustainable development”

“Building resilience and adaptation to climate change is important and the whole government approach must be taken. The national and local authorities responsible for critical infrastructures and regulating finance and investment must work hand in hand with authorities responsible for climate change and environmental issues. Information flow and planning between these entities and other parts of government are key for minimizing risks and making informed decisions.  Climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction, recovery and rehabilitation considerations and environmental sustainability needs and concerns must be integrated into public as well as private medium to long-term plans,” said the President.

In concluding his keynote address, President Ramkalawan underlined the fact the every nation forms part of this global crisis and reminded them that the time to act is now before it is too late. 

“We are all part of the global climate crisis. We must work harder and faster to maintain a livable planet for this and future generations. If we fail to act now, in this decade, with urgency, we will see a climate crisis on a scale that is unimaginable,” said the President.

The President also highlighted what he described as the ‘Seychelles way’ . Despite being the smallest African country, Seychelles is continuously striving to promote the principles of human rights, democracy, defending the environment, providing the best quality of life for its people and paving the way for a brighter future not only for Seychelles but for the world. 

"Seychelles, like other SIDS, is building a vision for a climate resilient future that puts adaptation and loss and damage at the centre of its decision-making, while taking immediate actions now to protect the people, the economy and the environment. This is the Seychelles Way that I profess. For this reason, we are second on the Mo Ibrahim Index, first in Africa as far as the perception of Corruption is concerned by Transparency International and first also when it comes to the freedom of the media. Democracy has firmly taken root, political stability is the norm and protecting the environment only comes naturally. We are small, but punching above our weight. But we cannot do it alone" concluded the President.

The Head of State is accompanied at the World Government Summit 2023 by the Minister for Finance, National Planning & Trade Mr. Naadir Hassan, the Minister for Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry Mrs Devika Vidot and other senior government officials.